《蘑菇战争2》(Mushroom Wars2)是一款简单玩法的规则的策略游戏,指向性划线操作作战单位。续作中不仅开启了全新的单人模式,还有超过20个关卡,附带多个难度等级供玩家挑战。在穿越蘑菇星球的过程中,升级版的敌人和与前作截然不同的战斗策略都将给玩家带来相当新鲜的体验。蘑菇战争2更新日志:v4.14.0Good Day Fellow Updated Warriors!The Rudomania Legendary event is available for new players! Win battles and grab valuable rewards: Gems, Gold, Runes, Chests, Artifacts, unit skins and special skin for Rudo!Credits with a list of the developers of Mushroom Wars 2 were added to Settings.This update brings you performance improvements and various bug fixes as well.Good Luck Warriors! See you on the Battlefield!